Construction loan rates are a big consideration before you apply for a loan of this type. Due to the fact that construction loans usually deal with high amounts of money, the interest rates have a great impact on the total amount of money that the borrower will have to pay as an extra to the lender. Although each lender (usually a financial institution such as a bank) offers different interest rates for different construction loan types, there are generally a few standard guidelines that an interested borrower might need to consider.
First of all, it is essential to understand the nature of construction loans. Unlike some other types of loans, construction loans are generally considered to be risky. Due to the fact that your lender, by default, has to give you a loan on a risky investment, he sets a relatively high interest rate. This is common among all the financial institutions. On the other hand, one should not be fooled into believing that the interest rates are the same at every financial institution. While it is generally true that financial institutions, as a rule, do not give very good interest rates for constructions loans, the difference between one institution's rates and another's could still be significant.
Commercial Construction Loans
And for those who have good credit, the interest rates are a lot better compared to those of someone who does not. The lender will always consider the borrower's ability to pay back everything on time before he gives him a good offer.
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This digital document is an article from Mortgage Banking, published by Mortgage Bankers Association of America on September 1, 1995. The length of the article is 1226 words. The page length shown above is based on a typical 300-word page. The article is delivered in HTML format and is available in your Digital Locker immediately after purchase. You can view it with any web browser.
Citation Details
Title: Accelerating borrower equity.
Author: Juliette B. Madison
Publication:Mortgage Banking (Magazine/Journal)
Date: September 1, 1995
Publisher: Mortgage Bankers Association of America
Volume: v55 Issue: n12 Page: p87(2)
Distributed by Thomson Gale
Interest rates are very dependent on the exact type of construction and the risk factor as well as other external factors such as politics. Assuming that all the factors are positive, the potential borrower should take the next step and take a construction loan. Otherwise, he might need to consider other alternatives.
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